This package includes 10 seat for Inbound email continuity. Email Continuity provides an uninterrupted flow of your email stream assuring your users access to their mail and empowering them to manage messaging and avoid any disruption in the flow of critical, legitimate business communications.
This package includes 10 mailboxes for Inbound email filtering (anti-spam, anti-virus, and malware protection); Directory Harvest Attacks (DHA) and Denial of Service (DoS) protection ; Signature-based virus, phishing and spyware detection & blocking; Real-time (zero hour), virus, phishing and spyware detection & blocking
This package includes 5 seat for outbound email encryption. Email encryption provides an automated lexicon based triggering of encrypted emails or manual trigger by subject keyword.
This package includes 5 seat for outbound email encryption. Email encryption provides an automated lexicon based triggering of encrypted emails or manual trigger by subject keyword.
This package includes 10 seats for Inbound email filtering (anti-spam, anti-virus, and malware protection); Directory Harvest Attacks (DHA) and Denial of Service (DoS) protection ; Signature-based virus, phishing and spyware detection & blocking; Real-time (zero hour), virus, phishing and spyware detection & blocking - Service Requires approval